Help Home

You’ve read about it, seen it on TV, heard about it from friends… Your loved one has wandered off and you’re scared for them.

The Help Home Program, is a voluntary program whereby a person with dementia or their loved one, can register emergency information with the Calhoun County Dispatch Authority in order to be returned home quickly and safely if lost.

When you register a person with the Help Home program they can be identified visually, by phone number, by address, or even by name. With the emergency contact information provided, authorities can bring them back home without an unnecessary trip to the emergency room. Take the time to register your loved one today and feel the relief of knowing that you are giving emergency services one more tool to return them to you.

The Help Home program is maintained by the Calhoun County Dispatch Authority. The information is immediately accessible to emergency responders when you call 9-1-1.

  Help Home Program Brochure
  Help Home Program Brochure Interactive Form - See instructions below

1) Download / Save interactive pdf form to your computer.
2) Fill out the interactive form.
3) Once completed, click the "Submit Form" button to email form.