Safe Return Programs

Miles for Memories offers several programs to create greater peace of mind and support for the caregiver. One is the Help Home Program, which is designed to help the person with dementia return home safely with less anxiety and worry. The Help Home Program allows family members (or other authorized persons) to submit a form containing pertinent information about the person living with dementia directly to law enforcement. This information is entered into a local database managed by the Calhoun County Consolidated Dispatch Authority 911 Center. This database is immediately accessible to patrol units in the field and allows them to do a simple name inquiry to receive pertinent information, current place of residence, as well as contact information for those who wish to be contacted in the event of an emergency. This combined with the Emergency Response Guide for Encounters with People with Dementia creates solutions for bringing your loved one home safely.


The next step is to add the Personal ID Bracelet. It is a visual component worn by the person that securely stores your complete medical profile online, which can be managed directly from an app on the caregiver’s phone or personal computer. The data can be accessed by first responders in five seconds or less. Time saves lives. The GPS bracelet is the next step and is currently in the prototype phase.

The Senior ID Program is part of the Caregiver Emergency Recovery Packet. It is designed with the caregiver in mind and allows them to carry a complete profile for their loved one on an app on their phone, a flash drive, or even a printed card for their wallet. The electronic version allows for video, fingerprints, as well as personal information.

For added safety, training is regularly offered at all levels of emergency response.

The final stage is the process includes a variety of respite programs.
